so I had an interview today which lasted a total of 30 seconds not even that and we both realized that it wasn't a good fit for me. SO I went down to a Temp Agency and filled out a contract with them and hopefully that can bring about some possible job openings but we shall see. After that did some errands for my parents then came back here and relaxed then went to a local resteraunt to watch the first presidential debate and I was just blown away and how big of an asshole and idiot JOHN MCCAIN really is.. I am not judging anyone by anymeans but for crying out loud he just doesnt seem to understand that the american people are sick and fucking tired of 8 years GEORGE (I AM NOT AN IDIOT) BUSH and we need a change and new leader and we need one NOW and that man is BARACK OBAMA..
here are a few choice phrases that came out of MCcain's stupid mouth:
when asked about his relations with Iran:
"We cannot allow another Holocaust" EXCUSE ME how fucking dare you say something like that.. maybe i am out of context here but bringing up a very painful to some memory like the murder of 6million jews is not something that needs to be brought up here.
And also when asked about the bailout situation that has captured the entire country McCain just doesn't seem to understand that the middle class families are the ones that are getting hurt the most out of this and that we need help not more tax breaks for the already fucking wealthy.
This economic bailout is something that could turn into the worst economic situation in american history since hte great depression and mccain just doesn't get it that we need help in this not to just rely on wallstreet and to hope that it will turn around.. and what pisses me off more is that our stupid leader is saying that we the american public should take responsibiltiy for the some of hte economic situations. Now I can understand that some blame needs to be with the american public but don't blame us for the banks collapsing into bankruptcy it isn't our faults.. and we are doing the best we can. and this is just a hard time
well thats enough ranting for now
time for bed