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Showing posts from September, 2008
So still no job and my outlook on finding one is beginning to dwindle. I try to keep a positive outlook on this but god i am soo fucking frustrated. I have applied to at least 20 places and yet nothing no calls I receive emails saying we will let you know if we (the company) would like for me to come in for an interview and I have interviewed a total of 3 times and all three times I have a week later received a postcard in the mail saying thanks for interviewing but sadly we don't have any openings or my skills don't match what the company is looking for.. I don't know what else I can keep doing beside applying and following up and such and hoping that this economy will slowly start to turn itself around but I can't keep hoping on an enconomy run by an idiot president would do anything to help me....  Beside that I am really lonely and I really just want to hang out with people but there aren't man oppertunties to do that where I am. Most of my friends are at least ...
so I had an interview today which lasted a total of 30 seconds not even that and we both realized that it wasn't a good fit for me. SO I went down to a Temp Agency and filled out a contract with them and hopefully that can bring about some possible job openings but we shall see. After that did some errands for my parents then came back here and relaxed then went to a local resteraunt to watch the first presidential debate and I was just blown away and how big of an asshole and idiot JOHN MCCAIN really is..  I am not judging anyone by anymeans but for crying out loud he just doesnt seem to understand that the american people are sick and fucking tired of 8 years GEORGE (I AM NOT AN IDIOT) BUSH  and we need a change and new leader and we need one NOW and that man is BARACK OBAMA..   here are a few choice phrases that came out of MCcain's stupid mouth: when asked about his relations with Iran: "We cannot allow another Holocaust"  EXCUSE ME how fucking dare you say someth...
So I didn't get the job at the gap and I am now moving onto seeing if I can find another job with a few upcoming job fairs. Other than that nothing much has been going on beside working on trying to find a job and working out and helping my parents with some random things around the house from running errands to helping my mom with her powerpoint presentation which I will be playing tech geek to this wednesday as she has a book signing as well as a mini presentation.  I  have also been helping my dad with scrubbing the house and today we moved onto putting a few coats of primer onto the house in order to start painting in this coming week.   I have continued to meet with my job coach and we are trying to find different jobs that I might have a good fit with and right now we are still finding that part of the job hunt difficult to date.  Other than that nothing much so i will update this later
so tomorrow I interview at the local Gap retail store and I am a bit nervous about making a good impression and all that jazz lol.. I picked out a new outfit the only problem is that since i have lost so much weight i forgot what size shirt i am and bought one a size to big oh well I still like it and will wear it...  but I just really want for this job to work out.. I learned a lot about myself from working at the coop about how to handle customers and to deal with rude ones ( I hate that) but a lot about finding a job that fits who I am .. and I am thinking that the Gap would be a good place to work.. I know some of the people there and it is a place where I think I can be more of myself and let the real Sasha come out by that I mean just being able to be social and talk with the customers and not be afraid of what to say and what not to say.. well within reason of course lol so  I have entered a raffle for redsox playoff tickets and if I do get selected I will be going there is defi...
So Today was deadline day so to speak...  I had a imposed deadline by my employer that by today I either was able to meet company standard policies which were to be able to count a drawer correctly, maintain high customer service attitudes, and be a team player... well It was decided that as hard as I tried i just couldn't match the standards set. I was repeatitly missing counting my drawer even though I would think I was at the total I needed to be at I was off usually by .5 cents 6 cents you get the idea.. I just couldn't ever get that drawer to be right.   I was also having some issues with customers. Not major ones mind you but mini ones. for example when I would ask for a customers membership number sometimes I wouldn't catch all of it because they weren't looking at me and I wouldn't be able to hear them so I would politely at least I thought politely ask them to repeat it..  One customer even said "why should I repeat it" you should have heard it th...

some frustrations

Well the past few days have been kinda dull.. have had work which I am still enjoying but still have issues with some of the people there mainly one of my supervisors who I swear has it out for me just her attitude she doesn't say o you are doing a better job of getting the money thing or any encouragement just basically so you know that someone from vocrehab who I am working with will be coming to observe and such.. kinda bluntly and such not really saying that she will just be there to observe and see what goes on just that she will be there like she is there to make sure I don't fuck up or at least don't fuck up too badly.. but yet I am sick and fucking tired of her and her lack of suppport and help to understand things  a few weeks ago she called me into her office and was just was very blunt and not very kind with talking with me and then she tried to get my attention by slapping her hand right infront of my face which just pissed the fuck out of me and took everything...