Okay so lets start at the beginning!!
So I found out in mid may that I would be unable to acquire the personal loan that I had been able to get just a year ago due to policy changes at the corperation. So I am taking this next year or maybe 2 off to save some money so I can get back and finish my education which I am a year away from completing. So I packed up my apartment with my dad's help and moved back to my childhood home and room still looks, smells and feels the same even though I haven't fully lived here since I was 21 but it is nice to be home albeit my parents house but still it is nice.
Work: I have been working the past month as a Baseball Umpire for prep and jr babe ruth games and have enjoyed being behind the plate again calling balls and strikes and of course hearing it from those crazy fans that just love to heckle me ( but that is part of the game isn't it??) other than also been working at a local food coop as a a cashier which is quite enjoyable and rewarding that I am seeing people that I haven't seen for long periods of time including one person who I recognized from when I was 6 yes 6 years old... he was my karate teacher and a really great influence albeit a short on on my life at the time.
I work there 4 days a week making 9.50 and hour and really enjoying it.
So my plans for the rest of the summer.. work work work spend time with my best friend who is home from his 1 year grad school course and maybe if I luck comes my way begin to meet that new special someone in my life.. it has been over 15 months since I have become single again and I know that people say being single is great because you don't have the responsibilties or the headaches but yet I just miss the lil things of a relationship but oh well one day it will come again..
thats it for now..
thanks for listening