well today I went and met with my dr and found out that my recent weight loss could be more determental to my health than it might have appeared to be. Since I moved back home I have lost over 25 pounds and but that might be due to my high hemoglobin A1c's which are NOT where they should be. A reasonable good # is around 6.. my numbers are twice that yes 12.2 (NOT GOOD) plus ontop of that my cholestrol is in the 260 range which is also due to the high blood sugars.
SO the plan now is to look into getting onto an insulin pump sooner rather than later. TO do this I need to go and take a test to see whether or not my body is still producing insulin and if so how much and then from there we go and get my health insurance to okay the pump. The reasoning behind this is to head off the possible complications of diabetes which can include kidney issues (which I already have a small one which is one of my kidney's is smaller than the other and leaks protein) so I already have that strike against me (NOT GOOD) so not only kidney issues but feet issues hands, and eyes plus pancreas of course.. so yeah that is what the current plan is ..