So a new month is upon us.. the groundhog didn't see his shadow so theoretically that means 6 fewer weeks of winter right??? I soo hate winter, I mean compared to last year I was busy with filming basketball games, and was doing other activities and this winter its like everything has come to a grinding halt.
My hours have due to the real estate economy been reduced, but I still enjoy going to work and having fun. BUT I am not filming and getting out into the community as much as I would like. I feel soo completely empty like there isn't really much driving me to go out and do things. I have gone out on a couple dates but they just end up moving on and deleting me after that date.
I just want it to be spring so I can be out on a baseball field where I feel most confident and at ease and happy... happiness, everyone else seems to have it or find it or enjoy it, why can't I ???