Do you ever feel like you are trapped in a glass dome that no matter how hard you try to get out you are just TRAPPED.. the only voice you hear is your own, the only face you see is your own. there are no hopes, dreams, aspirations, just you and your thoughts screams, yells, no matter how loud you scream/yell nobody can hear you.
I just feel soo trapped.. I keep searching for jobs but yet no one is hiring. I look for jobs that I can do but yet my skills don't match the requirements.. or that my physical limitation prevent me from applying for those jobs that most people can do.
I live in such a small area that there really aren't many jobs available and those that are (mainly cashering) I am soo burned out from that because of my last experience working at a local food coop that I just can't deal with it again but yet whatelse is there for me to do??? answer NOTHING there really isn't anything i can do. For one I dont have a job which there lacks the result of having an income which makes wanting to get out of here even harder. 2. with once again no money paying my bills is much harder even with reluctantly allowing my parents to help me with small things i still have a car payment insurance and a credit card to pay for.. not to mention that I have had to apply for foodstamps, social security disability and still with no prospects of jobs I am soo lost..
to make matters seem a lil worse I have no real friends that are around. most of them are off on their own starting their careers or getting married or enjoying finishing up college .. what am i doing? I am sitting in my room night after night wishing for once that I was able to finish college or call a friend and get a drink but yet I can't.
I have had some volunteer oppertunities but yet those won't help me pay the bills.
I guess plain and simple I am stuck I am stuck in the middle of at situation where I am not the only one but yet i just dont know where to turn because every where I am turning I am seeing doors closing in my face or my once dreams moving farther and farther into the darkness with very limited possibilites of ever coming true
All I want is to be happy is that too much to ask?