With the recent news of the death of Osma Bin Laden, it makes me think of the phrase of Ghandi, " An eye for an eye.. makes the whole world blind." Now I am a proud American and love being part of this country, but I still can't bring myself to celebrate the death of another human being. I know that 9/11 was a horrific day in the lives of many around the world and that this man who caused it I do believe did deserve justice.. but to celebrate his death? I just think that in a time of soo much uneasieness and unknowingness, that yes we should be proud to be americans and citizens of the world, but NEVER should we take for granted that we are also HUMAN and we are connected by being alive and breathing like everyone else around us.
I feel for those who soon to be 10 years ago lost a family member, friend, etc.. in the attacks of 9/11 don't get me wrong I feel for them and I am glad that in a way they can now finally have peace in their lives knowing that the person that caused them such horrific and painful times for the last decade can no longer cause anymore harm.
I remember where I was like many others when the first plan crashed, I was in geometry class and over heard freshman talking about a plane striking the first tower. I called home "sick" and was picked up and was home watching live tv when the the second tower was struck and then the first tower collapsed followed by the second. I remember asking my dad... " WHY??" why could this happen? " who would want to cause soo much pain and destruction." He just looked at me and gave me a hug"
I know that I may have a liberal heart and that I may not always agree with what is the norm but I just can't seem to bring myself to celebrate .. I can acknowledge the fact the world will no longer have to fear from bin laden, but there are still mean people out there in this world, that we still have to be aware of.
I know that my opinion may not be shared by many, but I do hope that I am respected for having my own opinion and I will in turn respect yours.