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Showing posts from March, 2011
When I think of who I am or look at myself what do I see...I see a man who every day wakes up hoping that that today will be better then last. I see someone who has been through soo much pain and heart ache that I wonder How I keep staying soo postive I see A fighter someone who will will continue each and every day to try and make myself a better person I see someone who still has soo much potential that I have yet to reach. I see someone who is a friend, brother, son, Why is it that when I look at myself I think that I am a failure??? why is it that I see someone who no matter what I do I am never satisfied or I think that I am not living upto all this potential I am scared of possibly never reaching my full potential. I am scared that I will always feel like I have underachieved I am scared I will not be the person that people hope I will be.I think that the lyrics to the Weepies song " Can't Go Back Now" fits what I am feeling "Yesturday when you were young eve...