WELL.... let see where to begin! I had a very interesting summer, doing some umpiring and a lot of theatre. Actually 2 seperate but wonderful productions. 1 was a local theatre companies production of 42nd St which was a very stressful, but in the end a very rewarding experience leaving me with a set of new friends and memories! While doing 42nd St I was also presented with a chance to do something that i had never done before, which was Opera. I was at a rehearsal for 42nd st when the production manager came in one day and asked for the names of all the guys in the cast who were free and wanted a chance to do the production. SO I gave her all the names and to my luck I was the only one she called back.
So I met with the director and was offered the part of Ambrogious in Barber of Seville ( which I accepted) and started doing rehearsals for that show along with going into production for 42nd St. 42nd St debuted in mid july and was a wonderful success minus a few scares including me fainting due to dehydration and high blood pressure :( but i came back and was able to finish the run of the show. Barber of Seville then debuted in August and also went without a hitch and was another HUGE SUCCESS .
SO my summer consisted of a lot of theatre a lot of umpiring and making of new friends. I had a summer romance which lasted for about a month sadly before we both realized that the distance between us was in a way to great for us to work through, but we are still good friends and care a lot about one another!
I am now currently back to work for the local cable access tv station and searching for a few other part time/full time jobs including just recently interviewing for a local sports writers position at a local news paper, and will be interviewing for doing some possible substituting teaching in the local communities.
Overall things aren't exactly where I would like for them to be, but as I usually tell my friends, " as long as ur breathing.. things will be okay!"
I will try and update this on a more regular basis for my many readers curious to what is going on inside the mind of the sashman!