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Showing posts from September, 2009

just a lil update

So lets see what have i been doing... I have been doing alot of shoots for the cable tv station i work for and that has allowed me to earn some money which is always good. I met with my job coach and that went well and during that meeting I got a call from the sub teaching and found out that due to not having a batchlors degree I will be unable to sub-teach which sucks.. so gonna keep doing at least 2/3 shoots a week and gonna hope that the local paper calls me back about that job and gonna look into talking with borders again about doing temp holiday help again. as for my social life i have been doing well haven't really been out there much but i have begun talking with a wonderful young woman whom i have a lot in common with and someone I really have a great connection with and we both enjoy talking with eachother and there is a good chance that there could be something of substance in the future for us.


WELL.... let see where to begin! I had a very interesting summer, doing some umpiring and a lot of theatre. Actually 2 seperate but wonderful productions. 1 was a local theatre companies production of 42nd St which was a very stressful, but in the end a very rewarding experience leaving me with a set of new friends and memories! While doing 42nd St I was also presented with a chance to do something that i had never done before, which was Opera. I was at a rehearsal for 42nd st when the production manager came in one day and asked for the names of all the guys in the cast who were free and wanted a chance to do the production. SO I gave her all the names and to my luck I was the only one she called back. So I met with the director and was offered the part of Ambrogious in Barber of Seville ( which I accepted) and started doing rehearsals for that show along with going into production for 42nd St. 42nd St debuted in mid july and was a wonderful success minus a few scares including me ...