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Showing posts from December, 2010

Reflections on a Year Gone By

So 2010, brought with it many moments both good and bad in my life. I was in love and had my heart broken which lead to a severe battle with depression and contemplation of even ending my life. It brought with it another year of wonderful times with friends, both and new. Another year of being on stage in another wonderful opera production. Another successful year of umpiring and staying relatively healthy minus a few bruises and foul balls off the body. It brought with it a new sense of independence ( leasing my car) finding a new job, holding onto 2 other jobs. Becoming more mature ( if that is even possible, for those who know me this is always debatable lol ) Having my relationships with my friends and family become stronger. Having my relationship with my sister become stronger and she is still one of the most influential and wonderful people in my life and I am truly blessed to call her my twin. I was able to travel to places I hadn't been to in many years including C...