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Showing posts from October, 2009
Well lets see since the last time I updated this a few things have happened. 1.) about a week ago I had my 26th Birthday and it was a really nice time! celebrated with my best friend went out to dinner a couple of drinks and then went to see where the wild things are which was a decent yet dark movie but the company and the time spent was a great time. 2.) I have been a bit sick of late I had the flu for about a week and then once I finally kicked the flu I still had the cough which has turned into a upper respitory infection which has meant this cough still hasn't gone away. Hopefully soon! Other then that not much still doing a couple of shoots a week and enjoying that while searching for a few other oppertunities but not holding my breath. So yeah thats my life so far.. oh and in regards to the love/social life not much going on i have had a couple people that I have talked with but no serious results yet though I always maintain hope that something could turn up. well thats a...