So for those of you that read this I chose to put my cat of 17 years to sleep today. She had been getting weaker and weaker and two nights ago she lost control of her hind paws and has spend the past two days/nights just sleeping her breathing becoming more shallow but never fully stopping. I went to work today at 6:30 and came home around 12:30 and like usual she looked up at me using all her strength that she still had gave me a lil tigey smile and purred to aknowledge that I was with her. So we left at 12:30 to go to the vet and usually tigey HATES cars and car rides but today she just laid in my lap and slept.. at around 1:00 the vet came in and administered the shot and she winced a lil bit but in about 10 seconds her heart had stopped and she was gone. I can still recall many of the details of when I first met tigey i was playing super bases loaded in our other room when my dad called upstairs saying he had a surprise for me. I came downstairs was told to close my eyes and when...
Tidbits from the mind of the 1 and ONLY Sashman